Dr. Gwendoline (Wendy) Burton
Dr. Gwendoline (Wendy) Burton
Practice Website
Maternity Matters
GPs Can
Some other projects include:
Creator/writer of Maternity Matters, a blog providing information for healthcare providers and consumers alike in preconception, antenatal, and post-natal care
Creator/Writer of GPs Can, a website showcasing the breadth and depth of Australian general practice
Opinion piece for RACGP news: Am I ‘Just a GP?’ Absolutely - and proud of it.
Subject Matter Expert/Consultant, Digital Pregnancy Health Record Project (Oct 2018-current)
Chair, Antenatal/Postnatal National Faculty of Special Interest, RACGP (2015-current)
Interviewed on BridgeBuilders podcast about shared antenatal care models
Maternity Lead (2011-current) for Brisbane South PHN
GP Representative, content creator, and facilitator on the Mater Mothers Hospital Maternity Share Care Alignment Program (2005-current)
Member of the Queensland Statewide Maternity and Neonatal Clinical Network Steering Committee (2010-current)
RACGP Representative, Advisory Group to the National Strategic Approach to Maternity Services (2018-2019)
Chair, RACGP working group Maternity Services in General Practice Position Statement
Member, Queensland Maternity Services Review Steering Committee (2017-2018)
Member, Queensland Maternity Services Review Collaborative Leadership Working Group (2017-2018)
Facilitation/creation of antenatal/postnatal workshops at Emerald (2013, 2018) and Biloela (2018)
Facilitator and presenter of Informed Consent Panel presentation SMNCN Forum (2017)
GP Consultant to the Mater Shared Electronic Health Record Project (2011-2012)
Queensland Statewide Child and Youth Health Clinical Network (2009-2010)
Brisbane Immunisation Local Area Group (2009-2012)
Brisbane and Surrounding Shires and Cities Immunisation Committee (2002-2008)
Brisbane South Child Health Intersectoral Group (2002-2008)
Parent and GP representatve, Queensland Children’s Hospital Steering Committee (2006-2009)
Parent Representative, Paediatric Cardiac Services Taskforce (2006)
Board Secretary, SeaGP (2007-2009)
Chair of the Governance Subcommittee, SeaGP (2007-2009)
Founding Board Member, South East Alliance of General Practice, SeaGP (2005-2009)
Board Member, Brisbane Inner South Division of General Practice (2003-2005)