A happy (if belated) 2020 to all!
We have had an incredible response over the holidays, even as GPs across the country have uprooted to contribute to bushfire relief and advocacy. Our hearts go out to those who had to leave their homes, and we admire the strength of those who stayed behind. The fires have caused a vigorous discourse within (and outside of) the health community, and it is
Now to welcome our newest human books!
Dr. Suresh Khirwadkar
Suresh takes a generalist approach to clinical practice. He uses his passion for communication to deliver videos, tweets, and blogs as The Honest Doctor to address common questions and misconceptions patients have in the clinic.
Dr. Vinh Tran
Vinh is passionate about psychology and the wellbeing of health workers. As a medical motivational speaker, he delivers content online and in workshops to teach skills to develop and support biopsychosocial health and wellbeing of healthcare workers.
Dr. Saba Qutub
Saba is a GP who also practices as a cosmetic physician and Integrative Medicine specialist, focussing on a holistic approach to health. She is currently undertaking advanced training in Nutritional and Environmental Medicine.
Dr. Farnoush Nia
Farnoush specialises in women’s health and children’s health, and is very active in the GP community. She often shares stories of what it means to be a clinician day-to-day through her hashtag #LifeasFarnoush in GPDU, and is currently writing a book of the same name to dispel some of the myths of general practice.
Dr. Kelsey Hegarty
Kelsey is a prominent voice in Domestic Violence research and advocacy, holding positions as the joint Chair of Family Violence Prevention at the University of Melbourne and the Royal Women’s Hospital, co-chair of the Melbourne Research Alliance to End Violence Against Women, and co-director of the Safer Families Centre. She has led research and development on multiple abuse and violence clinical tools.
Dr. Gwendoline (Wendy) Burton
Wendy specialises in maternal and prenatal, perinatal, and antenatal care, as well as teaching and mentoring of fellow GPs. Wendy has used her expertise and passion for advocacy to start Maternity Matters (a blog providing healthcare providers and consumers with information on maternity) and GPs Can (a social media campaign to promote the positive side of general practice).
Dr. Jenny May, AM
Jenny is a fierce advocate for rural and remote general practice, who uses her mentoring and supervision of GP registrars to engage her research interest in rural medical workforce issues. The RDAA representative on the NHRA, and the Director of the University of Newcastle Department of Rural Health, her voice represents over 20 years of rural experience across Australia.
Dr. Karen Price
Karen has used her positions as a business owner, past chair of the Women in General Practice (Vic Faculty), and current Deputy Chair of RACGP (Vic Faculty) to promote women’s leadership and peer connections in general practice. As a co-founder of GPs Down Under, she is able to engage her interests in informal learning networks and supervision models.
Dr. Tim Senior
Tim is at the forefront of GP climate advocacy, with clinical interests in the sociological factors that contribute to health issues. A pioneer in crowdfunding approaches to health writing, he uses his social media expertise to advocate for policy and environmental reform.
Dr. Teah Mogae
Teah focusses primarily on neonatal, paedriatic, and shared antenatal care, and runs Losika Writes - a project aiming to increase the availability of afro-linguistically diverse preschool literature
Welcome all!
We have even more books queued up to launch February, with a whole new slew of content to look forward to. I’m so excited to share them with you, so make sure you stay tuned and keep your eyes peeled, and remember - there’s always space for you on our shelves!