It’s April! For some of us it already feels like we’ve come through 2020 and out the other side, but we’re all taking this one step at a time together.
I want to extend my deep, deep gratitude to the Human Books who joined during March - everybody is exhausted from scrambling to save society at the moment, and it would have been understandable if we had had no new additions to the library this month.
Health issues may be communal issues requiring communal solutions, but in it can be difficult for people who are not health professionals to understand how to support and engage with efforts to address a health crisis. It is impracticable and ineffective for healthcare professionals to carry sole responsibility for addressing the crisis and maintain their pre-existing responsibilities. However, outside of the healthcare world, I have seen people swamped by confusion and misinformation, preventing them from understanding how to support efforts to address the crisis.
This is why I am continuing this project, even now. It is crucial to maintain information bridging services between the healthcare world and broader society, so that better policy, public awareness and behaviours, and supports are available to healthcare professionals. This is why I am so grateful to the Human Books who were able to spare time to confirm their bios with me - it’s a small thing, but it’s meaningful.
A/Prof. Peter Schattner - a distinguished “semi-retiree”, A/Prof Schattner is a cornerstone of research into evidence-based practice and the use of ICT in primary care. An educator with over 30 years’ experience, he has been influential in primary care education and research.
Prof. Merilyn Liddell - Prof. Liddell has an extensive background in education, business, and academic leadership, having led the academic development of the Malaysia campus of Monash university, and expanded the capability of RMIT International University Vietnam in her role as former President and Chief Executive/Executive Director.
A/Prof. Craig Hassed - a prolific writer and educator, A/Prof. Hassed has been at the forefront of efforts to integrate mindfulness and mind/body medicine meaningfully into primary care research and education. Although he has published in fields such as epigenetics and psychoneuroimmunology, some of his most influential work is in meditation and mindfulness education and research.
Dr. Liz Sturgiss - a prestigious researcher in areas of complex health issues and stigma, Dr. Sturgiss is deeply invested in implementation research in primary care, leading the Therapeutic Alliance in General Practice research project, as well as development of The Change Program. Many of our Human Books will have recently hearing regular updates from Dr. Sturgiss in her role as Conference and Professional Development Chair of AAAPC 2020, slated to go online in August.
Prof. Grant Russell - Prof. Grant Russell is an influential voice in primary care reform and refugee health, currently leading OPTIMISE and CPI of IMPACT. Like Dr. Sturgiss, our Human Books will likely see more of him in August through his role on the Executive Committee of AAAPC 2020, as the Primary Care Research, Policy, and Advocacy Chair.
And to all who read this, whether you’re on our shelves or not: thank you for supporting the Living Library, even as we all adjust to strange and uncertain times. Over the next few months we will be aiming not only to maintain this site as a point of contact for media to seek health expertise, but also to create a directory of references and supports for healthcare workers themselves. We want to make this service work for you, so please don’t hesitate to let us know if there’s any way our project can be refined and adjusted.