How to find the book you're looking for
Our living library has a unique sorting system which ensures that our GPs’ listings stay organised and easy to find. When we compile our catalogue, we ask a number of questions of our human books including:
Areas of clinical interest
Professional experience
Personal lived experience
What types of projects they are willing to get involved with
If you want to find someone specific, you can type their name into the search bar.
If you want to find someone to engage with a specific project, you can search for the following key terms:
Areas of Clinical Interest
People and their Populations
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Aged Care
Children and Young People’s Health
Doctors’ Health
Men’s Health
Multicultural Health
Population Health and Public Health
Rural General Practice and Rural Generalism
Women’s Health
Doctors’ Health and Wellbeing
Acute Serious Illness and Trauma
Chronic Conditions
Drug and Alcohol Medicine
Eye and Ear Medicine
Mental Health
Musculoskeletal Medicine
Occupational Medicine
Palliative Care
Pain Management
Sexual Health
Sports Medicine
Tropical Medicine
Processes of General Practice
Critical Thinking and Research
Undifferentiated Conditions
Multidisciplinary Care
Integrative Medicine
Quality and Safety
Practice Management
Procedural Skills
Quality Use of Medicines
Teaching, Mentoring, and Leadership in General Practice
Types of projects
clinical supervision
media inquiries
speaking engagements
If you know someone who should be in our library but you can’t find them, please keep in mind that we only list GPs who have volunteered to be part of the library and filled in our volunteer form.
If you still can’t find the book you’re looking for, please feel free to get in touch at any time either by posting below or sending us an email here.
Happy searching!