Dr. Elizabeth (Libby) Hindmarsh
Dr. Elizabeth (Libby) Hindmarsh
RACGP Profile
Some other projects include
Abuse and Violence Network Article, RACGP: Keeping Families Safe
Reviewer of the “Red Book” (8th and 9th edition)
Contributor to RACGP guidelines for Preventative Activities
Chairperson of RACGP Faculty of Specific Interest - Abuse and Violence in Families Network (with Prof. Kelsey Hegarty)
part of the Australia-Indonesia Centre Knowledge Network
Co-editor of the RACGP “White Book” on Abuse and Violence with (Prof. Kelsey Hegarty)
Webinar for RACGP: Aboriginal Family Violence - the Impact on Children
Co-presenter at STOP Domestic Violence Conference (2016): Working in and with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities
Worked at Royal North Shore Hospital (1968-1970)
Tutored 1st year students at UNSW for 10 years
10 years’ teaching Health Education to Delinquent Adolescents at Pallister, Greenwich NSW
Practiced Aboriginal Health on Elcho Island NT (2006-2013)
Worked with 114 Family Practice, run by the Aboriginal Land Council (2010-2013)
RACGP member of the Quality Care Committee
RACGP NSW Faculty Board
RACGP Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Faculty Board