

Hello all and welcome to the launch of our brand new website! It is such a thrill to see this project come together - barely a month ago the idea of a searchable database of Australian GPs was only a thought. Now, a month later, I am proud to be part of the proof of concept, looking down a long road which will doubtless see change and expansion and growth; hopefully in just as much of a whirlwind fashion!

As mentioned in our Welcome to the Shelf this week, be sure to take a gander at our newest human books! We have more on the way, in their final draft stages prior to publication, and I have been absolutely floored by the diversity of life experiences (and clinical experiences!) that I have seen so far. I can’t wait to share them with you!

In news this week…

  • It’s world Antibiotic Awareness Week! It seems like we can’t go a week without having another Official Week to be aware of, and this time we’re focussing on what every member of the community can do to deal with growing antibiotic resistance. You can find the government missives on what GPs can do here, as well as a helpful set of pointers for patients which include “Follow your health professional’s instructions”. Well worth pinning to your door, just in case.

  • Last week’s calls for change in climate change are gaining speed, with ACRRM, the RACP and the ACEM labelling climate change a “public health emergency”, calling on the government to speed up the transition to renewable energy. Shadow Minister for Health Chris Bowen ackowledged that Australia has not had adequate policies to deal with the health ramifications of climate change.

  • One doc doing her bit for the planet is Melburnian of the Year Dr. Bronwyn King, who is the founder and CEO of Tobacco Free Portfolios. Her work in maintaining tobacco-free portfolios as well as her launch of the Tobacco-Free Finance Pledge at the UN has seen an incredible change in industry focusses. Her work serves as a reminder of the sometimes-oblique avenues that we can take to change the way individuals and corporations invest their money - and change health and environmental outcomes in the process.

  • Safer Care Victoria held #GiantSteps19 this week - their healthcare quality and safety conference. They held equal competition with some of the fabulous #GPCEMelbourne projects; if you want to relive the conferences, both the hashtags are up and about on Twitter!

  • Applications are still open for Future Leaders 2020. If you, or a GP you know, would benefit from engaging with this 8-month (mostly) online leadership development program, now is the time to scramble as applications close a little over a week from now - on December 6th.

  • Our FAQ page is live! Ever wondered what any of our labels mean? How do we operate? What is this place? Go here to find out more!

Next week in the news…

Keep your eyes peeled for some upcoming how-tos and Q&A sessions! In the leadup to Christmas we’ll be expanding the library quite a bit, and as ever, I would like to extend a massive appreciation to every human book who has filled out our volunteer form. Every new book shores up the shelves in the library - if you believe in having a searchable database of GPs, why not be a part of the searchable database of GPs?

As always, you can email me on gp.living.library@gmail.com if you have any questions or suggestions.

Have a happy weekend!

Liz WaldronComment