
I am incredibly excited to extend a warm welcome to our first few human books, who I have had the pleasure of adding to the catalogue this week as we come ever closer to our website launch. I am also pleased to announce that we have a number of books who are still in our sorting system, who should be ready to add to the catalogue by the time of our next Welcome to the Shelf segment.

Go on ahead and have a browse - we’re incredibly privileged to have such accomplished GPs to add to the shelf.

If you’d like to have your bio added to our shelf, go ahead and fill in the Google Form here. Our site only lists information which is already available to the public, and you will always have the final say on how you’re listed. If you have questions about the project, you can always contact us - we usually get to it pretty fast! If you have ever wanted to bring all your information together onto one page, now’s the time and here’s the place.

Happy reading! See you at the weekly wrap up!

Liz WaldronComment