Dr Christopher Wurm
Dr Christopher Wurm
Practice Website
Institution Website
Some other projects include:
Founding Vice President, Viktor Frankl Institute of Australia (2017-2018)
Chair, Mental Health Network Healthfirst (2010-2013)
Visiting fellow, Discipline of Psychiatry, University of Adelaide
Fellow, Australian College of Psychological Medicine
Fellow, Australasian Chapter of Addiction Medicine
Corresponding Member, the Gesellschaft für Logotherapie un Existenzanalyse (GLE-international) since 1988
Co-Editor: Living your own life: existential analysis in action.
Invited speaker at biennial conference of GLE Russia, Moscow 2019: Intoxication, Shame, Regret, and Recovery: Existential Aspects of Alcohol and Other Drug Use
Debate at 2nd World Congress of Existential Therapy, Buenos Aires 2019: Are different cultures a barrier or an opening to change?
Roundtable on Logotherapeutic Approaches at 2nd World Congress of Existential Therapy 2019: Self-transcendence and substance use: the missing ingredient in recovery?
Author: How much does alcohol-related brain damage extend length of stay in alcohol-related liver disease?
Author: Evidence and existentialism in addiction
Poster, Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists Congress 2009: Existential themes and goal-setting in ‘recovery’ and related aproaches