Dr Christopher Wurm

Dr Christopher Wurm


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Dr Christopher Wurm is a specialist in addiction medicine and an accredited counsellor in logotherapy and existential analysis in Adelaide, South Australia.

His work in education includes his role as Visiting Fellow, Discipline of Psychiatry, University of Adelaide, where he lectures third-year medical students and psychiatry trainees. He also co-presents several blocks of “AOD Live” for the RACGP Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) GP Education program, and is a Senior Consultant for Central Adelaide Local Health Network Hospital Avoidance and Supported Discharge Service.

Chris is one of Australia’s leading experts in logotherapy and existential analysis, having been a corresponding member for the Gesellschaft für Logotherapie un Existenzanalyse (GLE-international) since 1988 and, more recently, the founding Vice President of the Viktor Frankl Institute of Australia in 2017-2018. He often combines this expertise with his interest in alcohol and drug medicine, both in his presentations at conferences locally and internationally and in his publications.

His publications include articles in professional journals and two book chapters. He is also co-editor of the book Living Your Own Life: Existential Analysis in Action.