Prof. Jane Gunn
Prof. Jane Gunn
Institutional Profile
Some other projects include:
Elected Fellow of the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Science
Inaugural Chair of Primary Care Research, University of Melbourne
Deputy Dean of Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry, and Health Sciences, University of Melbourne
Inaugural Visiting Professor to the Scottish School of Primary Care (2009-2012)
Director of Dental Health Services Victoria Board
Director of Eastern Melbourne Primary Health Network Board
Past Director of Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
Served on NHMRC Research Committee (2009-2015)
Served on NHMRC Borderline Personality Disorder Guideline Development Group
Served on RACGP National Steering Committee for Research
Served on Medicare Benefits Schedule Review Committee, Psychiatry Panel (2019)
Chair of the Committee to review the NHMRC Partnership Grants Scheme
Chair of NHMRC Mental Health Research Advisory Committee
Co-leads national evaluation of national rollout of Stepped Mental Healthcare
Profile in Research Data Australia
Participant in OPUS
Project Collaborator in projects for Centre of Research Excellence in Mental Health Systems Improvement
Profile for RACGP: Ongoing research aims to reduce antidepressant use
Chair of the NHMRC Mental Health Research Advisory Committee
Member of the Mental Health Expert Reference Group undertaking the Review of Mental Health Programmes and Services
Principal of NHMRC implementation of STOPS: A randomised trial of a STructured Online intervention to Promote and Support antidepressant de-prescribing in primary care
Participant in Australian Centre for Cannabinoid Clinical and Research Excellence (ACRE): Quality and Safety in the implementation of medicinal cannabis use in the community
Profile in Australian Centre for Cannabinoid Clinical and Research Excellence
Profile in The Conversation
Article for The Conversation: Time for better chronic disease management in primary care
Profile for University of Melbourne: Head of Department of General Practice appointed to Deputy Dean
2016 elected a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences “in recognition of her outstanding leadership in health and medical research
Past President of the Australasian Association for Academic Primary Care
Served on NHMRC Research Committee 2009-2015
Director of the Board of the Eastern Melbourne PHN
Director of the Board of the Peter MacCallum Cancer Hospital
Past Visiting Academic to the University of Oxford, University of Hong Kong, University of Edinburgh, and the University of Warwick.
Currently developing an app which incorporates a clinical prediction tool to provide tailored treatment recommendations for people experiencing depression. The app will link people to proven online eMental health and face-to-face treatments for depression
Invited Inaugural Chair of the Board of the Northern Melbourne Medical Local Ltd., serving in this role until the role was replaced with PHNs
Project leader of the Diamond Cohort study, one of the most influential studies into mental health involving massive datasets and international collaboration
NHMRC project implementing STOPS: A randomised trial of a STructured Online intervention to Promote and Support antidepressant de-prescribing in primary care”
Involved in 2011 NHMRC Committee’s development of clinical guidelines for borderline personality disorder
Influenced the development of Beyondblue guidelines for use by GPs
Led reforms to shared maternity care and cervical screening programs in Victoria through work with the Cancer Council and the Victorian State Government
Influenced National Surveys of Mental Health and Wellbeing
Worked with the National Prescribing Service to develop data extraction methods enabling continuous monitoring of the quality of GP care